Band Of The Week

Hat Stealers is a power trio from Brazil. The band were formed by three members with strong atitude for Rock 'n' Roll. The band consists of Duan Duwe on bass, Elison Amaro on drums and Lucca Diniz on vocals and guitar.
So far the band has released two singles "Don't Be Afraid" in February 2024 and "Rocking On The Radio" in May 2024. 
Duan Duwe - bass
Elison Amaro - drums
Lucca Diniz - vocals and guitar

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“Life sucks, but in a beautiful kind of way.”
Axl Rose
“One time we saw some hookers but when we got closer we realized it was Motley Crue.”
James Hetfield
“Jazz, isn’t that just a series of mistakes diguised as musical composition?”
David St. Hubbins
“A kid once said to me “Do you get hangovers?” I said, “To get hangovers you have to stop drinking.”
Ian “Lemmy” Kilmister
“We believed that anything that was worth doing was worth overdoing.”
Steven Tyler
“I could never quite understand cocaine, you can’t get a hard on, you can’t sleep and you grind your teeth, what the fuck is good about that?”
Jon Bon Jovi
“I’d rather be dead than cool.”
Kurt Cobain
"If It Ain't Gonna Rock It Ain't Gonna Roll"
Mike Tramp